Find out if home values are truly declining in the real estate market.

You might find the recent glut of headlines about home prices confusing. Media outlets are reporting that a record number of sellers are slashing their prices. However, there’s an important distinction to make between asking prices and sale prices.

The asking price is what a seller hopes to get when they list their home. Sometimes, sellers aim too high for the current market conditions. When they don’t receive many offers, they lower their asking price. This adjustment is not the same as the final sale price, which is the amount a buyer actually pays once the transaction is complete. Interestingly, despite these price adjustments, the final sale prices are not decreasing. In fact, home prices today are about 6% higher than they were a year ago.

“In fact, home prices today are about 6% higher than they were a year ago.”

Let me break it down for you: while the rate of price appreciation might be slowing, home values are still higher than they were last year. If you’re curious about the value of your home, I’d be happy to provide a free, no-obligation estimate. We can discuss the process of listing your home, examine comparable sales in your neighborhood, and determine a price that works for you.

Please feel free to contact me anytime on my cell at (502) 376-5483.